Making Connections – Literacy and Numeracy

As promised, I wanted to send along – or at least re-post – a mathematical process piece I mentioned in last week’s sessions.

The Strategies for Making Sense out of Mathematical Text are pasted below. The idea is that mathematical text can be a lot of things – a problem in the textbook, an equation to be decoded, a situational problem presented to a group of primary children, or a task to be solved involving number sense and the operations. When we engage with this kind of mathematical “text”, we use strategies that are similar to those we have been thinking about in literacy learning for a while now. (Think Faye Brownlie’s work, think SMART Reading…) The file is intended to mirror that for students, to remind them (and us! 🙂 ) that good thinking processes are good thinking processes, no matter what subject area we are dealing with.

The files are available in french and english, by clicking on the links below.

Strategies for Making Sense of Mathematical Text – English

Des stratégies pour aider la comprehension des situations mathématiques

And just to drive home the point, here is a summary of the mathematical processes drawn from our new BC Curriculum:

Mathematical Processes from the new BC IRP

plus ça change…

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